The ETHICAL CODE is established in the Main Regulatory Set (Standard Zero), which will establish the rest of the norms, processes and procedures established in the Company, thus becoming the basic pattern of conduct for the Administrator, Managers, staff and suppliers. The text must be understood as completed with the legal provisions in force regarding administrative, civil, criminal, labor and commercial law, mainly.
With the ETHICAL CODE, the main objective of consigning in writing the zero tolerance of EXTRUSIONES METALICAS towards behaviors that could infringe the Criminal Code, expressly prohibiting the commission of criminal acts, particularly those that directly or indirectly could generate a benefit to EXTRUSIONES METALICAS.
In order to achieve the objectives described, but, mainly, as an objective endowed with its own substantivity, the ETHICAL CODE aims to consolidate the culture of compliance with the legality of EXTRUSIONES METALICAS.
This Criminal Regulatory Compliance Policy links with the ethical values of the Organization, ratifying the will of EXTRUSIONES METALICAS to maintain a respectful conduct with both the rules and their ethical values, defining for this purpose its framework of compliance principles in criminal matters.
Based on that basis, EXTRUSIONES METALICAS carries out its activity and operations in observance, theoretical and practical, of all applicable laws and regulations, and implements internal guidelines, policies and procedures that ensure that such laws and regulations are scrupulously complied with.